Friday, November 5, 2010
White LED Lamp
Nowadays you can buy white LEDs, which emit quite a bit of light. They are so bright that you shouldn’t look directly at them. They are still expensive, but that is bound to change. You can make a very good solid-state pocket torch using a few of these white LEDs. The simplest approach is naturally to use a separate series resistor for each LED, which has an operating voltage of around 3.5 V at 20 mA. Depending on the value of the supply voltage, quite a bit of power will be lost in the resistors. The converter shown here generates a voltage that is high enough to allow ten LEDs to be connected in series. In addition, this converter supplies a constant current instead of a constant voltage.
A resistor in series with the LEDs produces a voltage drop that depends on the current through the LEDs. This voltage is compared inside the IC to a 1.25-V reference value, and the current is held constant at 18.4 mA (1.25 V ÷ 68 Ω). The IC used here is one of a series of National Semiconductor ‘simple switchers’. The value of the inductor is not critical; it can vary by plus or minus 50 percent. The black Newport coil, 220 µH at 3.5 A (1422435), is a good choice. Almost any type of Schottky diode can also be used, as long as it can handle at least 1A at 50V. The zener diodes are not actually necessary, but they are added to protect the IC. If the LED chain is opened during experiments, the voltage can rise to a value that the IC will not appreciate.
R1 = 1kΩ2
R2 = 68Ω
C1 = 100µF 16V radial
C2 = 680nF
C3 = 100µF 63V radial
L1 = 200µH 1A
D1 = Schottky diode type PBYR745 or equivalent
D2-D5 = zener diode 10V, 0.4W
D6-D15 = white LED
IC1 = LM2585T-ADJ (National Semiconductor)
A resistor in series with the LEDs produces a voltage drop that depends on the current through the LEDs. This voltage is compared inside the IC to a 1.25-V reference value, and the current is held constant at 18.4 mA (1.25 V ÷ 68 Ω). The IC used here is one of a series of National Semiconductor ‘simple switchers’. The value of the inductor is not critical; it can vary by plus or minus 50 percent. The black Newport coil, 220 µH at 3.5 A (1422435), is a good choice. Almost any type of Schottky diode can also be used, as long as it can handle at least 1A at 50V. The zener diodes are not actually necessary, but they are added to protect the IC. If the LED chain is opened during experiments, the voltage can rise to a value that the IC will not appreciate.
R1 = 1kΩ2
R2 = 68Ω
C1 = 100µF 16V radial
C2 = 680nF
C3 = 100µF 63V radial
L1 = 200µH 1A
D1 = Schottky diode type PBYR745 or equivalent
D2-D5 = zener diode 10V, 0.4W
D6-D15 = white LED
IC1 = LM2585T-ADJ (National Semiconductor)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
VGA to BNC Adapter (Converter)
There are monitors which only have three BNC inputs and which use composite synchronization (‘sync on green’). This circuit has been designed with these types of monitor in mind. As can be seen, the circuit has been kept very simple, but it still gives a reasonable performance. The principle of operation is very straightforward. The RGB signals from the VGA connector are fed to three BNC connectors via AC-coupling capacitors. These have been added to stop any direct current from entering the VGA card. A pull-up resistor on the green output provides a DC offset, while a transistor (a BS170 MOSFET) can switch this output to ground. It is possible to get synchronisation problems when the display is extremely bright, with a maximum green component.
In this case the value of R2 should be reduced a little, but this has the side effect that the brightness noticeably decreases and the load on the graphics card increases. To keep the colour balance the same, the resistors for the other two colors (R1 en R3) have to be changed to the same value as R2. An EXOR gate from IC1 (74HC86) combines the separate V-sync and H-sync signals into a composite sync signal. Since the sync in DOS-modes is often inverted compared to the modes commonly used by Windows, the output of IC1a is inverted by IC1b. JP1 can then by used to select the correct operating mode. This jumper can be replaced by a small two-way switch, if required.
This switch should be mounted directly onto the PCB, as any connecting wires will cause a lot of interference. The PCB has been kept as compact as possible, so the circuit can be mounted in a small metal (earthed!) enclosure. With a monitor connected the current consumption will be in the region of 30 mA. A 78L05 voltage regulator provides a stable 5 V, making it possible to use any type of mains adapter, as long as it supplies at least 9 V. Diode D2 provides protection against a reverse polarity. LED D1 indicates when the supply is present. The circuit should be powered up before connecting it to an active VGA output, as otherwise the sync signals will feed the circuit via the internal protection diodes of IC1, which can be noticed by a dimly lit LED. This is something best avoided.
R1,R2,R3 = 470Ω
R4 = 100Ω
R5 = 3kΩ3
C1,C3,C5 = 47µF 25V radial
C2,C4,C6,C7,C10 = 100nF ceramic
C8 = 4µF7 63V radial
C9 = 100µF 25V radial
D1 = LED, high-efficiency
D2 = 1N4002
T1 = BS170
IC1 = 74HC86
IC2 = 78L05
JP1 = 3-way pinheader with jumper
K1 = 15-way VGA socket (female), PCB mount (angled pins)
K2,K3,K4 = BNC socket (female), PCB mount, 75Ω
In this case the value of R2 should be reduced a little, but this has the side effect that the brightness noticeably decreases and the load on the graphics card increases. To keep the colour balance the same, the resistors for the other two colors (R1 en R3) have to be changed to the same value as R2. An EXOR gate from IC1 (74HC86) combines the separate V-sync and H-sync signals into a composite sync signal. Since the sync in DOS-modes is often inverted compared to the modes commonly used by Windows, the output of IC1a is inverted by IC1b. JP1 can then by used to select the correct operating mode. This jumper can be replaced by a small two-way switch, if required.
This switch should be mounted directly onto the PCB, as any connecting wires will cause a lot of interference. The PCB has been kept as compact as possible, so the circuit can be mounted in a small metal (earthed!) enclosure. With a monitor connected the current consumption will be in the region of 30 mA. A 78L05 voltage regulator provides a stable 5 V, making it possible to use any type of mains adapter, as long as it supplies at least 9 V. Diode D2 provides protection against a reverse polarity. LED D1 indicates when the supply is present. The circuit should be powered up before connecting it to an active VGA output, as otherwise the sync signals will feed the circuit via the internal protection diodes of IC1, which can be noticed by a dimly lit LED. This is something best avoided.
R1,R2,R3 = 470Ω
R4 = 100Ω
R5 = 3kΩ3
C1,C3,C5 = 47µF 25V radial
C2,C4,C6,C7,C10 = 100nF ceramic
C8 = 4µF7 63V radial
C9 = 100µF 25V radial
D1 = LED, high-efficiency
D2 = 1N4002
T1 = BS170
IC1 = 74HC86
IC2 = 78L05
JP1 = 3-way pinheader with jumper
K1 = 15-way VGA socket (female), PCB mount (angled pins)
K2,K3,K4 = BNC socket (female), PCB mount, 75Ω
Dual Polarity Unregulated PSU For High-End Audio Amps
A power supply suitable for use with the hi-fi amplifiers presented in the predeeding project is perfectly simple, and no great skill is required to build (or design) one. There are a few things one should be careful with, such as the routing of high current leads, but these are easily accomplished. Design of this power supply is very simple. A 4 ampere fuse is used to protect the transformer and two LEDs at the end of this circuit are used to indicate power state On and Off. At the output there are 6 capacitors used you can reduce the quantity of these filter capacitors to 2 or according to your own choice.
click on the images to enlarge
IR On/Off Switch Using Microcontroller
Turn ON or OFF electrical devices using remote control is not a new idea and you can find so many different devices doing that very well. For realization of this type of device, you must make a receiver, a transmitter and understand their way of communication. Here you will have a chance to make that device, but you will need to make only the receiver, because your transmitter will be the remote controller of your tv, or video …This is one simple example of this kind of device, and I will call it IR On-Off or IR-switch.
How it works:
Choose one key on your remote controller (from tv, video or similar), memorized it following a simple procedure and with that key you will able to turn ON or OFF any electrical device you wish. So, with every short press of that key, you change the state of relay in receiver (Ir-switch). Memorizing remote controller key is simple and you can do it following this procedure: press key on Ir-switch and led-diode will turn ON. Now you can release key on Ir-switch, and press key on your remote controller. If you do that, led-diode will blink, and your memorizing process is finished.
To make this device will be no problem even for beginners in electronic, because it is a simple device and uses only a few components. On schematic you can see that you need microcontroller PIC12F629, ir-receiver TSOP1738 (it can be any type of receiver TSOP or SFH) and for relay you can use any type of relay with 12V coil.
Click here to download source code for PIC12F629-675 . To extract the archive use this password
How it works:
Choose one key on your remote controller (from tv, video or similar), memorized it following a simple procedure and with that key you will able to turn ON or OFF any electrical device you wish. So, with every short press of that key, you change the state of relay in receiver (Ir-switch). Memorizing remote controller key is simple and you can do it following this procedure: press key on Ir-switch and led-diode will turn ON. Now you can release key on Ir-switch, and press key on your remote controller. If you do that, led-diode will blink, and your memorizing process is finished.
To make this device will be no problem even for beginners in electronic, because it is a simple device and uses only a few components. On schematic you can see that you need microcontroller PIC12F629, ir-receiver TSOP1738 (it can be any type of receiver TSOP or SFH) and for relay you can use any type of relay with 12V coil.
click on the images to enlarge |
Click here to download source code for PIC12F629-675 . To extract the archive use this password
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Keyboard/Mouse Switch Unit
Unplugging or re-connecting equipment to the serial COM or PS2 connector always gives problems if the PC is running. Even if you only need to swap a mouse or changeover from a graphics keyboard to a standard keyboard. The chances are that the connected equipment will not communicate with the PC, it will always be necessary to re-boot. If you are really unlucky you may have damaged the PC or the peripheral device. In order to switch equipment successfully it is necessary to follow a sequence. The clock and data lines need to be disconnected from the device before the power line is removed. And likewise the power line must be connected first to the new device before the clock and data lines are re-connected.
This sequence is also used by the USB connector but achieved rather more simply by using different length pins in the connector. The circuit shown here in Figure 1 performs the switching sequence electronically. The clock and data lines from the PC are connected via the N.C. contacts of relay RE2 through the bistable relay RE1 to connector K3. Pressing push-button S1 will activate relay RE2 thereby disconnecting the data and clock lines also while S1 is held down the semiconductor switch IC1B will be opened, allowing the voltage on C4 to charge up through R4. After approximately 0.2 s the voltage level on C4 will be high enough to switch on IC1A, this in turn will switch on T1 energizing one of the coils of the bistable relay RE1 and routing the clock, data and power to connector K2.
When S1 is released relay RE2 will switch the data and clock lines through to the PC via connector K1. It should be noted that the push-button must be pressed for about 0.5s otherwise the circuit will not operate correctly. Switching back over to connector K3 is achieved similarly by pressing S2. The current required to switch the relays is relatively large for the serial interface to cope with so the energy necessary is stored in two relatively large capacitors (C2 and C3) and these are charged through resistors R1 and R6 respectively. The disadvantage is that the circuit needs approximately 0.5 minute between switch-overs to ensure these capacitors have sufficient charge.
The current consumption of the entire circuit however is reduced to just a few milliamps. The PCB is designed to accept PS2 style connectors but if you are using an older PC that needs 9 pin sub D connectors then these will need to be connected to the PCB via flying leads. In this case the mouse driver software configures pin 9 as the clock, pin 1 as the data, pin 8 (CTS) as the voltage supply pin and pin 5 as earth.
R1 = 2kΩ2
R2 = 47kΩ
R3 = 10kΩ
R4 = 4kΩ7
R5 = 1kΩ
R6 = 1kΩ2
C1 = 10µF 10V radial
C2 = 1000µF 10V radial
C3 = 2200µF 10V radial
C4 = 2µF2 10V radial
D1-D5 = 1N4148
T1 = BC547
IC1 = 4066 or 74HCT4066
RE1 = bistable relay 4 c/o contacts
RE2 = monostable relay 2 c/o contacts
K1,K2,K3 = 6-way Mini-DIN socket (pins at 240°, PCB mount
S1,S2 = push-button (ITTD6-R)
This sequence is also used by the USB connector but achieved rather more simply by using different length pins in the connector. The circuit shown here in Figure 1 performs the switching sequence electronically. The clock and data lines from the PC are connected via the N.C. contacts of relay RE2 through the bistable relay RE1 to connector K3. Pressing push-button S1 will activate relay RE2 thereby disconnecting the data and clock lines also while S1 is held down the semiconductor switch IC1B will be opened, allowing the voltage on C4 to charge up through R4. After approximately 0.2 s the voltage level on C4 will be high enough to switch on IC1A, this in turn will switch on T1 energizing one of the coils of the bistable relay RE1 and routing the clock, data and power to connector K2.
When S1 is released relay RE2 will switch the data and clock lines through to the PC via connector K1. It should be noted that the push-button must be pressed for about 0.5s otherwise the circuit will not operate correctly. Switching back over to connector K3 is achieved similarly by pressing S2. The current required to switch the relays is relatively large for the serial interface to cope with so the energy necessary is stored in two relatively large capacitors (C2 and C3) and these are charged through resistors R1 and R6 respectively. The disadvantage is that the circuit needs approximately 0.5 minute between switch-overs to ensure these capacitors have sufficient charge.
The current consumption of the entire circuit however is reduced to just a few milliamps. The PCB is designed to accept PS2 style connectors but if you are using an older PC that needs 9 pin sub D connectors then these will need to be connected to the PCB via flying leads. In this case the mouse driver software configures pin 9 as the clock, pin 1 as the data, pin 8 (CTS) as the voltage supply pin and pin 5 as earth.
R1 = 2kΩ2
R2 = 47kΩ
R3 = 10kΩ
R4 = 4kΩ7
R5 = 1kΩ
R6 = 1kΩ2
C1 = 10µF 10V radial
C2 = 1000µF 10V radial
C3 = 2200µF 10V radial
C4 = 2µF2 10V radial
D1-D5 = 1N4148
T1 = BC547
IC1 = 4066 or 74HCT4066
RE1 = bistable relay 4 c/o contacts
RE2 = monostable relay 2 c/o contacts
K1,K2,K3 = 6-way Mini-DIN socket (pins at 240°, PCB mount
S1,S2 = push-button (ITTD6-R)
Super Simple 3 Watt Audio Power Amplifier
Here is the circuit diagram of superb mini audio power amplifier, That can be power with 4.5 volt dc to 18 volts dc (maximum). This amplifier is based on TDA1015, Product of NXP Semiconductors formerly PHILIPS Semiconductors. The TDA1015 is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier circuit in a 9-lead single in-line (SIL) plastic package. The device is especially designed for portable radio and recorder applications and delivers up to 4 watt in a 4 ohm load impedance. The very low applicable supply voltage of 3,6 V permits 6 V applications.
click on the images to enlarge |
- In-car use
- Your own unique application
- Power amplifier for audio projects
- For use with portable audio equipment
- Small but powerful multi-purpose amplifier
- Low current drain
- High output power
- Thermal protection
- High input impedance
- Separated preamplifier and power amplifier
- Limited noise behavior at radio frequencies
- Single in-line (SIL) construction for easy mounting
- Quiescent current : 12mA
- Thermal and short circuit protection
- Frequency Response : 60Hz - 15Khz
- Max. output power : 3W (4ohm/12V)
- Input sensitivity : 20-15mV selectable
- Power supply : 4.5 - 15V DC @ 400mA
Saturday, October 23, 2010
High Voltage Converter: 90V From 1.5V
The circuit shows one way of obtaining a voltage of 90V from a 1.5V battery supply. The LT1073 switching regulator from Linear Technology ( operates in boost mode and can work with an input voltage as low as 1.0 V. The switching transistor, which is hidden behind connections SW1 and SW2, briefly takes one end of choke L1 to ground. A magnetic field builds up in the choke, which collapses when the transistor stops conducting: this produces a current in diode D1 which charges C3. The diode cascade comprising D1, D2, D3, C2, C3 and C4 multiplies the output voltage of the regulator by four, the pumping of C2 causing the voltage developed across C4 via C3, D2 and D3 to rise.
Finally, the regulator control loop is closed via the potential divider (10 MΩ and 24 kΩ). These resistors should be 1 % tolerance metal film types. With the given component values, fast diodes with a reverse voltage of 200 V (for example type MUR120 from On Semiconductor and a choke such as the Coilcraft DO1608C-154 ( an output voltage of 90 V will be obtained. The output of the circuit can deliver a few milliamps of current.

Wire Tracer (Transmitter)
The circuit depicted here forms one half of a device that will prove extremely handy when tracing the path of electrical wiring in a building or to locate a break in a wire. The system is based on similar equipment that is used by technicians in telephone exchanges. The operation is straightforward. You require a generator that delivers an easily recognizable signal which, using a short antenna, is inductively coupled to a simple, but high gain, receiver. To create a useful transmitter it would suffice to build a simple generator based on a 555. But as the adjacent diagram shows, a 556 was selected instead. The second timer (IC1a) is used to modulate the tone produced by IC1b.
The output frequency alternates between about 2100 Hz and 2200 Hz. This is a very distinctive test signal that is easily distinguished from any other signals that may be present. Resistor R6 is connected to a piece of wire, about ten centimeters long, that functions as the antenna. The ground connection (junction C2-C3) is connected to ground. When the antenna is connected directly to a cable, it is possible to determine at the other end of the cable, with the aid of the receiver, which conductor is which (don’t do this with live conductors!). The schematic for the matching receiver may be found elsewhere in this website.

Wire Tracer (Receiver)
The circuit depicted is the receiver device of a transmitter/receiver combination that will prove extremely handy when tracing the path of electrical wiring in a building or to locate a break in a wire. The corresponding transmitter may be found elsewhere in this website. The transmitter produces a distinctive tone which alternates between 2100 Hz and 2200 Hz. The matching receiver for the wire tracer is possibly even simpler than the transmitter, as is shown by the schematic. It consists of no more than a short wire antenna (a piece of wire, 10 cm long is adequate), a high-pass filter (C1-R1), an amplifier stage (IC1), an output stage (T1) and a loudspeaker.
The prototype used a high impedance loudspeaker from a telephone handset, and this worked remarkably well. The purpose of P1 is to adjust the amplification. At the highest amplification, the wire energized by the transmitter can be traced from several tens of centimeters away. A direct electrical connection is therefore not required. However, it is important that you hold the ground connection (earth) in your hand.

Transistor Tester
This tester is intended to quickly check whether a transistor is functional or not and possibly also select two or more transistors with (approximately) equal gains. This is about the simplest conceivable test circuit, so don’t expect super accuracy. The circuit has been designed only to quickly carry out a brief check, when there is no time or equipment to carry out a thorough test. The operation is simple: in the position ‘battery test’ (S2 closed), the 10mA moving coil meter M1 in series with a 600 Ω resistor (R4 + R5) is connected to a 6 V battery. A current of 10mA will flow, resulting in full-scale deflection of the meter. When a transistor is being tested (S2 open, S3 in position 2 or 3) a current will flow through the base-emitter junction of the transistor under test, the value of which can be computed by dividing the voltage across R1 or R2 by its resistance.
With S3 in position 2 this will be (6 V – 0.6 V)/560 kΩ = approx. 10µA. If the transistor has a gain of 1000 it will cause a collector current (and therefore a meter current) of 10mA, causing full-scale deflection of the moving coil instrument. Therefore, the value indicated by the meter, when S3 is in position 2, has to be multiplied by a factor of 100 to obtain the gain of the transistor. In position 3 the base resistor is 10 times lower (R1 = 56 kΩ), so in this case the reading has to be multiplied by 10 to obtain the gain. It will be clear that position 2 of S3 is intended for high gains of up to 1000 and position 3 for gains of 0 to 100. The purpose of S1 is to reverse the polarity: the upper position drawn is for NPN transistors, the bottom for PNP types. If you have no moving coil instrument available, it is of course also possible to replace M1 with a digital meter.

Battery Juicer
More and more electronic devices are portable and run off batteries. It is no surprise, then, that so many flat batteries find their way into the bin - and often far too early. When a set of batteries can no longer run some device - for example, a flashgun - the cells are not necessarily completely discharged. If you put an apparently unserviceable AA-size cell into a radio-controlled clock with an LCD display it will run for months if not years. Of course not every partially discharged cell can be put in a clock. The circuit presented here lets you squeeze the last Watt-second out of your batteries, providing a bright ‘night light’ - for free!
The circuit features a TBA820M, a cheap audio power amplifier capable of operating from a very low supply voltage. Here it is connected as an astable multivibrator running at a frequency of around 13 kHz. Together with the two diodes and electrolytic capacitor this forms a DC-DC converter which can almost double the voltage from between four and eight series-connected AA-, C- or D-size cells, or from a PP3-style battery. The DC-DC converter is followed by a constant current source which drives the LED. This protects the expensive white LED: the voltages obtained from old batteries can vary considerably.
With the use of the DC-DC converter and 20 mA constant current source a much greater range of usable input voltages is achieved, particularly helpful at the lower end of the range when old batteries are used. With the constant current source on its own the white LED would not be adequately bright when run from low voltages. An additional feature is the ‘automatic eye’. The LDR detects when the normal room lighting is switched on or when the room is lit by sunlight: its resistance decreases. This reduces the UBE of the transistor below 0.7 V, the BC337 turns off and deactivates the LED.
This prolongs further the life of the old batteries. A further LDR across capacitor C reduces the quiescent current of the circuit to just 4mA (at 4V). Light from the white LED must of course not fall on the LDR, or the current saving function will not work.
The circuit features a TBA820M, a cheap audio power amplifier capable of operating from a very low supply voltage. Here it is connected as an astable multivibrator running at a frequency of around 13 kHz. Together with the two diodes and electrolytic capacitor this forms a DC-DC converter which can almost double the voltage from between four and eight series-connected AA-, C- or D-size cells, or from a PP3-style battery. The DC-DC converter is followed by a constant current source which drives the LED. This protects the expensive white LED: the voltages obtained from old batteries can vary considerably.

This prolongs further the life of the old batteries. A further LDR across capacitor C reduces the quiescent current of the circuit to just 4mA (at 4V). Light from the white LED must of course not fall on the LDR, or the current saving function will not work.
500W Low Cost 12V to 220V Inverter
Attention: This Circuit is using high voltage that is lethal. Please take appropriate precautions
Using this circuit you can convert the 12V dc in to the 220V Ac. In this circuit 4047 is use to generate the square wave of 50hz and amplify the current and then amplify the voltage by using the step transformer.
How to calculate transformer rating
The basic formula is P=VI and between input output of the transformer we have Power input = Power output. For example if we want a 220W output at 220V then we need 1A at the output. Then at the input we must have at least 18.3V at 12V because: 12V*18.3 = 220v*1
So you have to wind the step up transformer 12v to 220v but input winding must be capable to bear 20A.

Using this circuit you can convert the 12V dc in to the 220V Ac. In this circuit 4047 is use to generate the square wave of 50hz and amplify the current and then amplify the voltage by using the step transformer.
How to calculate transformer rating
The basic formula is P=VI and between input output of the transformer we have Power input = Power output. For example if we want a 220W output at 220V then we need 1A at the output. Then at the input we must have at least 18.3V at 12V because: 12V*18.3 = 220v*1
So you have to wind the step up transformer 12v to 220v but input winding must be capable to bear 20A.

12 Volt DC Fluorescent Lamp Driver
A number of people have been unable to find the transformer needed for the Black Light project, so I looked around to see if I could find a fluorescent lamp driver that does not require any special components. I finally found one in Electronics Now. Here it is. It uses a normal 120 to 6V stepdown transformer in reverse to step 12V to about 350V to drive a lamp without the need to warm the filaments.
C1 100uf 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C2,C3 0.01uf 25V Ceramic Disc Capacitor
C4 0.01uf 1KV Ceramic Disc Capacitor
R1 1K 1/4W Resistor
R2 2.7K 1/4W Resistor
U1 TLC555 Timer IC
T1 6V 300mA Transformer
LAMP 4W Fluorescent Lamp
MISC Board, Wire, Heatsink For Q1

C1 100uf 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C2,C3 0.01uf 25V Ceramic Disc Capacitor
C4 0.01uf 1KV Ceramic Disc Capacitor
R1 1K 1/4W Resistor
R2 2.7K 1/4W Resistor
U1 TLC555 Timer IC
T1 6V 300mA Transformer
LAMP 4W Fluorescent Lamp
MISC Board, Wire, Heatsink For Q1
- Q1 must be installed on a heat sink.
- A 240V to 10V transformer will work better then the one in the parts list. The problem is that they are hard to find.
- This circuit can give a nasty (but not too dangerous) shock. Be careful around the output leads.
Li-Ion Battery Charger
The LP2951 regulator is manufactured by National Semiconductors. The choice of values is from an application note "Battery Charging", written by Chester Simpson. Diode D1 can be any diode from the 1N00x series, whichever is conveniently available. It functions as a blocking diode, to prevent a back flow of current from the battery into the LP2951 when the input voltage is disconnected. Charging current is about 100+mA, which is the internally-limited maximum current of the LP2951. For those wondering, this is compatible with just about any single-cell li-ion battery since li-ion can generally accept a charging current of up to about 1c (i.e. charging current in mA equivalent to their capacity in mAh, so a 1100mAh li-ion cell can be charged at up to 1100mA and so on).
A lower charging current just brings about a correspondingly longer charge time. IMHO 100mA is quite low, low enough that the circuit can be used for an overnight charger for many typical single-cell li-ion batteries. The resistors are deliberately kept at large orders of magnitude (tens/hundred Kohm and Mohm range) to keep the off-state current as low as possible, at about 2?A. Resistor tolerances should be kept at 1% for output voltage accuracy. The 50k pot allows for an output voltage range between 4.08V to 4.26V - thus allowing calibration as well as a choice between a charging voltage of 4.1V or 4.2V depending on the cell to be charged. The capacitors are for stability, especially C2 which prevents the output from ringing/oscillating.
Parts List:
IC1 = LP2951, voltage regulator
D1 = 1N4002, General purpose diode
R1 = 2M, 1%, metal-film
R2 = 806K, 1%, metal-film
P1 = 50K, potentiometer
C1 = 0.1uF, polyester
C2 = 2.2uF/16V, electrolytic
C3 = 330pF, ceramic

Parts List:
IC1 = LP2951, voltage regulator
D1 = 1N4002, General purpose diode
R1 = 2M, 1%, metal-film
R2 = 806K, 1%, metal-film
P1 = 50K, potentiometer
C1 = 0.1uF, polyester
C2 = 2.2uF/16V, electrolytic
C3 = 330pF, ceramic
Lead Acid Battery Charger #2
The above pictured schematic diagram is just a standard constant current model with a added current limiter, consisting of Q1, R1, and R4. The moment too much current is flowing biases Q1 and drops the output voltage. The output voltage is: 1.2 x (P1+R2+R3)/R3 volt. Current limiting kicks in when the current is about 0.6/R1 amp. For a 6-volt battery which requires fast-charging, the charge voltage is 3 x 2.45 = 7.35 V. (3 cells at 2.45v per cell). So the total value for R2 + P1 is then about 585 ohm. For a 12 V battery the value for R2 + P1 is then about 1290 ohm. For this power supply to work efficiently, the input voltage has to be a minimum of 3V higher than the output voltage. P1 is a standard trimmer potentiometer of sufficient watt for your application. The LM317 must be cooled on a sufficient (large) coolrib. Q1 (BC140) can be replaced with a NTE128 or the older ECG128 (same company). Except as a charger, this circuit can also be used as a regular power supply.


Parts List:
R1 = 0.56 Ohm, 5W, WW
R2 = 470 Ohm C2 = 220nF
R3 = 120 Ohm
R4 = 100 Ohm
C1 = 1000uF/63V
Q1 = BC140
Q2 = LM317, Adj. Volt Reg.
C3 = 220nF (On large coolrib!)
P1 = 220 Ohm



R1 = 0.56 Ohm, 5W, WW
R2 = 470 Ohm C2 = 220nF
R3 = 120 Ohm
R4 = 100 Ohm
C1 = 1000uF/63V
Q1 = BC140
Q2 = LM317, Adj. Volt Reg.
C3 = 220nF (On large coolrib!)
P1 = 220 Ohm
Lead Acid Battery Charger #1
Except for use as a normal Battery Charger, this circuit is perfect to 'constant-charge' a 12-Volt Lead-Acid Battery, like the one in your flight box, and keep it in optimum charged condition. This circuit is not recommended for GEL-TYPE batteries since it draws to much current. The above circuit is a precision voltage source, and contains a temperature sensor with a negative temperature coλficient. Meaning, whenever the surrounding or battery temperature increases the voltage will automatically decrease. Temperature coλficient for this circuit is -8mV per °Celcius. A normal transistor (Q1) is used as a temperature sensor. This Battery Charger is centered around the LM350 integrated, 3-amp, adjustable stabilizer IC. Output voltage can be adjusted with P1 between 13.5 and 14.5 volt.
T2 was added to prevent battery discharge via R1 if no power present. P1 can adjust the output voltage between 13.5 and 14.5 volts. R4's value can be adjusted to accommodate a bit larger or smaller window. D1 is a large power-diode, 100V PRV @ 3 amp. Bigger is best but I don't recommend going smaller. The LM350's 'adjust' pin will try to keep the voltage drop between its pin and the output pin at a constant value of 1.25V. So there is a constant current flow through R1. Q1 act here as a temperature sensor with the help of components P1/R3/R4 who more or less control the base of Q1. Since the emitter/base connection of Q1, just like any other semiconductor, contains a temperature coλficient of -2mV/°C, the output voltage will also show a negative temperature coλficient.
That one is only a factor of 4 larger, because of the variation of the emitter/basis of Q1 multiplied by the division factor of P1/R3/R4. Which results in approximately -8mV/°C. To prevent that sensor Q1 is warmed up by its own current draw, I recommend adding a cooling rib of sorts. (If you wish to compensate for the battery-temperature itself, then Q1 should be mounted as close on the battery as possible) The red led (D2) indicates the presence of input power.Depending on what type of transistor you use for Q1, the pads on the circuit board may not fit exactly (in case of the BD140).




Fine Control Super Bright LED Pulser
Four timing controls - 12V supply, Suitable for Halloween or Christmas props
This circuit, designed on request for a Halloween prop, allows fine control of a pulsing Super Bright white LED. The four potentiometers or trimmers will set precisely: on, off, ramp up and ramp down time-delays respectively. Ramp up and ramp down time-delays can be set roughly in the 1 - 15 seconds range, whereas on and off time-delays can range from a few seconds to about one minute. A 12V battery or regulated power supply is required, provided it is reasonably stable. Total current drawing is about 25 - 30mA when the LED reaches maximum brightness.
R1,R5,R12,R13___10K 1/4W Resistors
R2,R5___________10K 1/2W Trimmers or Lin. Potentiometers
R3______________47K 1/4W Resistor
R4______________22K 1/4W Resistor
R6_______________1K 1/4W Resistor
R7,R8,R9,R14___100K 1/4W Resistors
R10,R11__________2M2 1/2W Trimmers or Lin. Potentiometers
R15____________220R 1/4W Resistor
C1,C2__________100nF 63V Polyester or ceramic Capacitors
C3,C4___________22µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
C5_____________220µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
D1,D2________1N4148 75V 150mA Diodes
D3______________LED Super Bright white (e.g. RL5-UV2030)
Q1____________BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor
IC1___________LM324 Low Power Quad Op-amp IC
IC2____________4093 Quad 2 input Schmitt NAND Gate IC
This circuit, designed on request for a Halloween prop, allows fine control of a pulsing Super Bright white LED. The four potentiometers or trimmers will set precisely: on, off, ramp up and ramp down time-delays respectively. Ramp up and ramp down time-delays can be set roughly in the 1 - 15 seconds range, whereas on and off time-delays can range from a few seconds to about one minute. A 12V battery or regulated power supply is required, provided it is reasonably stable. Total current drawing is about 25 - 30mA when the LED reaches maximum brightness.

R1,R5,R12,R13___10K 1/4W Resistors
R2,R5___________10K 1/2W Trimmers or Lin. Potentiometers
R3______________47K 1/4W Resistor
R4______________22K 1/4W Resistor
R6_______________1K 1/4W Resistor
R7,R8,R9,R14___100K 1/4W Resistors
R10,R11__________2M2 1/2W Trimmers or Lin. Potentiometers
R15____________220R 1/4W Resistor
C1,C2__________100nF 63V Polyester or ceramic Capacitors
C3,C4___________22µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
C5_____________220µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
D1,D2________1N4148 75V 150mA Diodes
D3______________LED Super Bright white (e.g. RL5-UV2030)
Q1____________BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor
IC1___________LM324 Low Power Quad Op-amp IC
IC2____________4093 Quad 2 input Schmitt NAND Gate IC
- Wanting to use two white LEDs, the second device must be wired across the Emitter of the transistor and negative ground with its own limiting resistor wired in series, like R15 and D3 in the circuit diagram.
- If common red, yellow or green LEDs are required, please wire two of them in series, in order to present roughly the same voltage drop of one white or blue LED.
- Please note that the unused sections in both ICs must have their inputs tied to negative ground whereas the outputs must be left open, as shown at the bottom of the diagram.
- All time-delays can be increased by changing the value of C3 and C4 to 47µF 25V or even higher. Please vary the value of these capacitors only, as the values of the resistors wired to the four control pots are rather critical and should not be changed.
Bar-Mode Lights Sequencer
Can drive up to 15 LEDs or LED-clusters, Selectable Bar-length
This circuit, designed on request, allows up to 15 LED clusters to illuminate in bar-mode sequence. LED sequencing will start at power-on and, after reaching the desired output, all the LEDs turn off and sequence restarts. The number of LEDs or clusters forming the bar can be selected by connecting R7 to the appropriate output pin of IC2 or IC3.
R1,R5,R9_________1K 1/4W Resistors
R2______________33K 1/4W Resistor
R3_____________100K 1/2W Trimmer Cermet
R4_______________1M 1/4W Resistor
R6,R10__________10K 1/4W Resistors
R7,R8___________22K 1/4W Resistors
R11______________4K7 1/4W Resistor
R12_____________33R 1/4W Resistor (See Notes)
C1______________10µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C2_____________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C3_____________470µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
D1--D14________LEDs (See Notes)
Q1___________2N3819 General-purpose N-Channel FET
Q2,Q3,Q5______BC547 45V 100mA NPN Transistors
Q4____________BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor
IC1____________7555 or TS555CN CMos Timer IC
IC2,IC3________4094 8-stage shift-and-store bus register IC
This circuit, designed on request, allows up to 15 LED clusters to illuminate in bar-mode sequence. LED sequencing will start at power-on and, after reaching the desired output, all the LEDs turn off and sequence restarts. The number of LEDs or clusters forming the bar can be selected by connecting R7 to the appropriate output pin of IC2 or IC3.

R1,R5,R9_________1K 1/4W Resistors
R2______________33K 1/4W Resistor
R3_____________100K 1/2W Trimmer Cermet
R4_______________1M 1/4W Resistor
R6,R10__________10K 1/4W Resistors
R7,R8___________22K 1/4W Resistors
R11______________4K7 1/4W Resistor
R12_____________33R 1/4W Resistor (See Notes)
C1______________10µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C2_____________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C3_____________470µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
D1--D14________LEDs (See Notes)
Q1___________2N3819 General-purpose N-Channel FET
Q2,Q3,Q5______BC547 45V 100mA NPN Transistors
Q4____________BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor
IC1____________7555 or TS555CN CMos Timer IC
IC2,IC3________4094 8-stage shift-and-store bus register IC
- R5 and D1 are optional: they could be of some utility in monitoring the sequence frequency set by means of R3.
- The terminal of R7 bearing an arrow must be connected to the desired output pin of IC2 or IC3 in order to select the number of LEDs or clusters forming the bar.
- For example: if you want to drive seven LEDs or clusters connect R7 to pin#11 of IC2 (Output 8) and the LED or cluster drivers to Outputs 1 to 7 respectively.
- Clusters can be formed by up to 12 LEDs as shown in the circuit diagram, right side. Common cluster types usually range from 5 to 10 LEDs.
- Up to 15 of these cluster driver circuits, each formed by the LEDs, two transistors and three resistors can be built and connected to the progressively numbered outputs of IC2 (the first eight clusters) and IC3 (the remaining clusters).
- If a number of clusters up to 7 is required, IC3 can be omitted.
- Constant output current value for the LEDs can be changed by varying R10.
- The formula is: R = 0.6/I (I expressed in Amperes).
- Wanting to drive only one LED per output instead of a cluster, the above mentioned cluster driver can be substituted by a single transistor, as shown in the circuit formed by D2, Q3, R8 and R9.
Friday, October 22, 2010
LED–LDR Blinker
It normally takes two transistors to build a blinker circuit (in order to make positive feedback possible). However, you can also use a photo-resistor (LDR) that is illuminated by an LED. The feedback takes place here by means of light rays. The circuit is easy to understand. When light falls on the LDR, the current increases. The capacitor then charges, and this increases the base current. This causes the transistor to switch the LED fully on. The stable ‘on’ state switches to the ‘off ’ state as soon as the capacitor is fully charged. The LED is then completely off, the base voltage goes negative and the transistor is cut off.
The circuit cannot switch back to the ‘on’ state until the capacitor has been discharged via the base resistor. The circuit naturally reacts to external light sources as well. You will have to test it in different light environments to see whether it will work. In any case, it will not work in full sunlight. With an ultra-bright LED and a very low-resistance LDR, it might be possible to build a blinker without using a transistor. The combination of the LED and the LDR would have to provide the gain that is needed to produce oscillations.

Simple Remote Control Tester
Nearly always when a remote control doesn’t work, the underlying problem is elementary: the unit does not emit light. The cause may be dry solder joints, defective LEDs etc., but also a flat battery (perhaps due to stuck key). The human eye is unable to perceive infra-red light. By contrast, an ordinary photo transistor like the BP103 has no problems working in the infrared spectrum, so in the circuit here it simply biases the BC558 which, in turn, makes LED D1 flash in sympathy with the telegram from the remote control. The preset in the circuit determines the sensitivity.


Short-Circuit Protection With A MOSFET
If you have an application in which a MOSFET is already used to switch a load, it is relatively easy to add short-circuit or overload protection. Here we make use of the internal resistance RDS(ON), which produces a voltage drop that depends on the amount of current flowing through the MOSFET. The voltage across the internal resistance can be sensed using simple comparator or even a transistor, which switches on at a voltage of around 0.5V. You can thus avoid the use of a sense resistor (shunt), which usually produces an undesirable extra voltage drop. The comparator can be monitored by a microcontroller. In case of an overload, the software can initiate suitable countermeasures (PWM regulation, alarm, emergency stop etc.). It is also conceivable to connect the comparator output directly to the gate of the MOSFET, in order to immediately cut off the transistor in case of a short circuit.


Economical Transistor Radio
The schematic diagram shows an audio stage with a common-collector circuit. This does not damp the tuned circuit, but instead actually increases its response. This yields good sensitivity and selectivity. Due to the low supply voltage, the subsequent audio amplifier needs three transistor stages. The volume is adjusted using the potentiometer. This radio works well using an internal ferrite rod (around 1 cm diameter and 10 cm long) with a winding of around 50 turns of enameled copper wire. With a two-meter external wire aerial, you can receive even more stations. This radio is not only economical in terms of components, it also needs very little ‘juice’: since the current consumption is only 10mA, an alkaline AA cell will easily last for around 200 hours of operation.

The specifications, very briefly stated, are:

The specifications, very briefly stated, are:
- medium-wave receiver with ferrite aerial
- optional supplementary aerial
- power supply 1.5 V/10 mA
- 4 transistors
- loudspeaker output
Symmetric Output for USB Audio DAC
This simple adapter circuit is specially intended for use with the USB Audio DAC published in this website elsewhere. With an easily implemented modification, it is possible to make the output of the D/A converter pseudo-symmetric, so that it can be connected to professional equipment having XLR line inputs. This will do even more justice to the high quality of the USB Audio DAC. The modification actually amounts to just adding a single resistor (R11a) and changing the value of the existing resistor at the output of the audio DAC (R11) from 100 Ωto 68Ω. Components C14 and R12 remain unchanged. It is not difficult to make this change on the printed circuit board of the audio DAC, but a bit of improvisation is necessary. After replacing R11 with a 68-Ω version, unsolder R12 and connect R11a in series with it. Bring out the junction of these two resistors to act as the signal return connection (pin 3 of the XLR socket). The same operation must also be carried out on the right channel, where the affected resistors are labelled R16, R16a and R17.


Deluxe Charge Rate Limiter for Small Capacity NiCad Batteries
Here is a deluxe version of the simple charge rate limiter, using the same idea but with the ability to charge two packs simultaneously from a single wall charger. For circuit description and parts list, see the simple charger page. Since wall chargers provide about 55mA, you should not use this dual circuit to charge batteries at rates greater than 27mA (for a total of 54mA).










Thursday, October 21, 2010
Simple Infrared Remote Control Extender
This ultra-simple remote control extender is ideal for use with a hidden video recorder. The recorder is a Panasonic NV-SD200 and is used as part of a camera surveillance system. A PICAXE-08-based circuit is used to detect events and control the recorder. It also flashes a LED near the monitor to indicate the number of events since last viewing.
Click for larger image
Strangely, the NV-SD200 model refused to work with a number of commercial infrared remote control extenders, hence the need for this design. As a bonus, it uses less power than a traditional extender (no plugpacks) and the remote can still be used in the normal manner.
As shown, an additional 5mm infrared LED is mounted directly in front of the equipment to be controlled. This is cabled back to a convenient location near the monitor and terminated in a 3.5mm plug.
To modify the remote control unit, break the circuit to the anode of the existing infrared LED and wire in a 3.5mm headphone socket. In most cases, the LED will be accessible without dismantling the circuit board. The purpose of the socket is to allow the existing infrared LED to operate normally when the jack is unplugged.
If the socket won’t fit inside the case, then a very short flying lead with a moulded in-line socket can be used instead. By using light-duty figure-eight cable, the transmitting LED could be 30m or more from the hand-held remote control without problems.
Click for larger image
Strangely, the NV-SD200 model refused to work with a number of commercial infrared remote control extenders, hence the need for this design. As a bonus, it uses less power than a traditional extender (no plugpacks) and the remote can still be used in the normal manner.

To modify the remote control unit, break the circuit to the anode of the existing infrared LED and wire in a 3.5mm headphone socket. In most cases, the LED will be accessible without dismantling the circuit board. The purpose of the socket is to allow the existing infrared LED to operate normally when the jack is unplugged.
If the socket won’t fit inside the case, then a very short flying lead with a moulded in-line socket can be used instead. By using light-duty figure-eight cable, the transmitting LED could be 30m or more from the hand-held remote control without problems.
Magic Lights
The circuit as shown in the figure employs 14 bi-colour (red and green) LEDs having three terminals each. Different dancing colour patterns are produced using this circuit since each LED can produce three different colours. The middle terminal (pin 2) of the LEDs is the common cathode pin which is grounded. When a positive voltage is applied to pin 1, it emits red light. Similarly, when positive voltage is applied to pin 3. it emits green light. And when positive voltage is simultaneously applied to its pins 1 and 3, it emits amber light. The circuit can be used for decorative lights. IC1 (555) is used in astable mode to generate clock signal for IC2 and IC3 (CD4518) which are dual BCD counters.
Both counters of each of these ICs have been cascaded to obtain 8 outputs from each. The outputs from IC2 and IC3 are connected to IC4 through IC7 which are BCD to 7-segment latch/decodor/driver ICs. Thus we obtain a total of 14 segment outputs from each of the IC pairs consisting of IC4 plus IC5 and IC6 plus IC7. While outputs from former pair are connected to pin No. 1 of all the 14 bi-colour LEDs via current limiting resistors, the ouputs of the latter pair are similarly connected to pin No.3 of all the bi-colour LEDs to get a magical dancing lights effect.

Smart Foot Switch
Such jobs as jewel cutting and polishing require the workers to switch on/off two electrical appliances one after another repeatedly for two different services on the same workpiece. This is cumbersome as they need to fully concentrate on delicate handwork on precious jewels. Switching in such situations cannot be done by hand, and doing it by foot using ordinary switches is too tedious. This is mainly because of the difficulty in sensing and controlling the switch position by foot. Ordinary pushbutton switches make or break a contact momentarily, and they can not hold the keypress status. You need a bistable multivibrator with two independent trigger inputs to solve this problem. Here’s a smart foot switch based on dual negative-edge triggered master slave JK flip-flop IC 74LS76 (IC1).
J1 and J2 inputs are conneted to 5V through resistors R2 and R5 (each 10k), respectively. K1 and K2 inputs are grounded. Preset pins 2 and 7 are shorted and connected to 5V via resistor R7 (10k). Push-to-on switch S3 connected to the preset inputs is also grounded. Clock and clear inputs of the two flip-flops are cross-connected, i.e. CLK1 (pin 1) is conneted to CLR2 (pin 8) and CLR1 (pin 3) is connected to CLK2 (pin 6). Clock input pins 1 and 6 are pulled up high through resistors R1 and R4 (each 4.7k), respectively. Push-to-on switches S1 and S2 are connected between clock and ground of the flip-flops. Switch S1 activates device 1, while switch S2 activates device 2. Switch S3 activates both device 1 and device 2 simultaneously.
Device status is indicated by LED1 and LED2. Glowing of LED1 and LED2 indicates that device 1 and device 2, respectively, are in on condition. The LEDs are connected from +5V to Q1 (pin 14) and Q2 (pin 10) of IC1 through resistors R3 and R6, respectively. Initially when the power supply is switched on, Q1 and Q2 outputs of the JK flip-flops are at low level (logic 0). When switch S1 is pressed for the first time, the high level (logic 1) present at J1 input is transferred to Q1 output on the trailing edge of clock (CLK1). The high level (logic 1) at Q1 activates relay RL1 through pin 16 of IC ULN2003 (IC2), turning on device 1 via its normally-opened (N/O) contacts. Clock CLK1 of flip-flop IC1(A) is also connected to clear input CLR2 of flip-flop IC1(B) so as to clear it asynchronously.
Switch debounces don’t affect the circuit as the same J1 state is being transferred to Q1 output on succeeding trailing edges. At the same time, device 2 is switched off. When switch S2 is pressed, flip-flop IC1(A) gets cleared via CLR1 and the high state of J2 input of flip-flop IC1(B) is transferred to its Q2 output on the trailing edge of clock (CLK2). This high level (logic1) activates relay RL2 through pin 15 of IC2, turning on device 2 via its N/O contacts. At the same time, device 1 is switched off. Now if you want to turn on both the devices simultaniously, press switch S3 momentarily. Switch S3 provides ground to preset inputs PRE1 and PRE2 of flip-flops IC1(A) and IC1(B), making their Q1 and Q2 outputs high, which energises both the relays turning on the two devices. LEDs glow to indicate that both the devices are ‘on.’ Place all the three switches (S1 through S3) where you can easily press them by foot when required. The LEDs can also be mounted at a convenient location to know whether the devices are turned on.
J1 and J2 inputs are conneted to 5V through resistors R2 and R5 (each 10k), respectively. K1 and K2 inputs are grounded. Preset pins 2 and 7 are shorted and connected to 5V via resistor R7 (10k). Push-to-on switch S3 connected to the preset inputs is also grounded. Clock and clear inputs of the two flip-flops are cross-connected, i.e. CLK1 (pin 1) is conneted to CLR2 (pin 8) and CLR1 (pin 3) is connected to CLK2 (pin 6). Clock input pins 1 and 6 are pulled up high through resistors R1 and R4 (each 4.7k), respectively. Push-to-on switches S1 and S2 are connected between clock and ground of the flip-flops. Switch S1 activates device 1, while switch S2 activates device 2. Switch S3 activates both device 1 and device 2 simultaneously.

Switch debounces don’t affect the circuit as the same J1 state is being transferred to Q1 output on succeeding trailing edges. At the same time, device 2 is switched off. When switch S2 is pressed, flip-flop IC1(A) gets cleared via CLR1 and the high state of J2 input of flip-flop IC1(B) is transferred to its Q2 output on the trailing edge of clock (CLK2). This high level (logic1) activates relay RL2 through pin 15 of IC2, turning on device 2 via its N/O contacts. At the same time, device 1 is switched off. Now if you want to turn on both the devices simultaniously, press switch S3 momentarily. Switch S3 provides ground to preset inputs PRE1 and PRE2 of flip-flops IC1(A) and IC1(B), making their Q1 and Q2 outputs high, which energises both the relays turning on the two devices. LEDs glow to indicate that both the devices are ‘on.’ Place all the three switches (S1 through S3) where you can easily press them by foot when required. The LEDs can also be mounted at a convenient location to know whether the devices are turned on.
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