Sunday, September 30, 2012

Remote-Controlled Fan Regulator

Using this circuit, you can change the speed of the fan from your couch or bed. Infrared receiver module TSOP1738 is used to receive the infrared signal transmitted by remote control. The circuit is powered by regulated 9V. The AC mains is stepped down by transformer X1 to deliver a secondary output of 12V-0-12V. The transformer output is rectified by full-wave rectifier comprising diodes D1 and D2, filtered by capacitor C9 and regulated by 7809 regulator to provide 9V regulated output. Any button on the remote can be used for controlling the speed of the fan. Pulses from the IR receiver module are applied as a trigger signal to timer NE555 (IC1) via LED1 and resistor R4.
Circuit Diagram :
Remote-Controlled Fan Regulator Circuit Diagram
Remote-Controlled Fan Regulator Circuit Diagram
IC1 is wired as a monostable multivibrator to delay the clock given to decade counter-cum-driver IC CD4017 (IC2).Out of the ten outputs of decade counter IC2 (Q0 through Q9), only five (Q0 through Q4) are used to control the fan. Q5 output is not used, while Q6 output is used to reset the counter. Another NE555 timer (IC3) is also wired as a monostable multivibrator. Combination of one of the resistors R5 through R9 and capacitor C5 controls the pulse width.  The output from IC CD4017 (IC2) is applied to resistors R5 through R9. If Q0 is high capacitor C5 is charged through resistor R5, if Q1 is high capacitor C5 is charged through resistor R6, and so on.
Optocoupler MCT2E (IC5) is wired as a zero-crossing detector that supplies trigger pulses to monostable multivibrator IC3 during zero crossing. Opto-isolator MOC3021 (IC4) drives triac BT136. Resistor R13 (47-ohm) and capacitor C7 (0.01µF) combination is used as snubber network for triac1 (BT136). As the width of the pulse decreases, firing angle of the triac increases and speed of the fan also increases. Thus the speed of the fan increases when we press any button on the remote control. Assemble the circuit on a general-purpose PCB and house it in a small case such that the infrared sensor can easily receive the signal from the remote transmitter.

Storage Battery Exerciser

A motorcycle or boat battery that is not needed over the winter is usually charged before being put away for the winter, after which it remains standing unused for months on end. As a result, it accumulates deposits of lead sludge, which can result in reduced capacity or even complete failure of the battery. If you don’t keep active, you rust! To avoid this, it’s necessary to keep the battery active even during the winter. This circuit does such a good job of exercising the battery that it doesn’t have to be recharged during the winter. It only has to be fully charged again in the spring before being used again. IC1.A is an astable multivibrator with an asymmetric duty cycle. The output is High for around 0.6 s and Low for around 40 s. IC1.B is wired as a comparator that constantly monitors the battery voltage. Its threshold voltage is set to 11.0 V using the trimpot.

Circuit diagram:
Storage Battery Exerciser Circuit Diagram

As soon as the battery voltage drops below this value, the comparator goes Low and D6 is cut off, allowing the second astable multivibrator IC1.C to oscillate at approximately 1.2 Hz. LED D7 then blinks to indicate that the battery must be charged. As long as the battery voltage is greater than 11 V, IC1.B is High. IC1.A is Low most of the time, and in this state D4 conducts and the inverting input of IC1.D is Low. This means that IC1.D is High most of the time, with T1 cut off. T1 only conducts during the 0.6-s intervals when IC1.A is High. In this state it allows current to pass through the lamp (12 V / 3 W), which forms the actual load for the battery. After this, darkness prevails again for 40 s. The average current consumption is approximately 5 mA. At this rate, a relatively new 40-Ah battery will take around one year to become fully discharged. However, this can vary depending on the condition of the battery, and it may be necessary to ‘top up’ the battery once during the winter.
Author: Ludwig Libertin - Copyright: Elektor Electronics

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Solar Battery Protector Prevents excessive Discharge

This circuit prevents the battery in a solar lighting system from being excessively discharged. It's for small systems with less than 100W of lighting, such as several fluorescent lights, although with a higher rated Mosfet at the output, it could switch larger loads. The circuit has two comparators based on an LM393 dual op amp. One monitors the ambient light so that lamps cannot be turned on during the day. The second monitors the battery voltage, to prevent it from being excessively discharged. IC1b monitors the ambient light by virtue of the light dependent resistor connected to its non-inverting input. When exposed to light, the resistance of the LDR is low and so the output at pin 7 is low.

Circuit diagram:
Solar battery protector prevents excessive discharge circuit schematic
Solar Battery Protector Circuit Diagram

IC1a monitors the battery voltage via a voltage divider connected to its non-inverting input. Its inverting input is connected to a reference voltage provided by ZD1. Trimpot VR1 is set so that when the battery is charged, the output at pin 1 is high and so Mosfet Q1 turns on to operate the lights. The two comparator outputs are connected together in OR gate fashion, which is permissible because they are open-collector outputs. Therefore, if either comparator output is low (ie, the internal output transistor is on) then the Mosfet (Q1) is prevented from turning on. In practice, VR1 would be set to turn off the Mosfet if the battery voltage falls below 12V. The suggested LDR is a NORP12, a weather resistant type available from Farnell Electronic Components Pty Ltd.
Author: Michael Moore - Copyright: Silicon Chip Electronics

10,000x With One Transistor

For a collector follower with emitter resistor, you’ll often find that the gain per stage is no more than 10 to 50 times. The gain increases when the emitter resistor is omitted. Unfortunately, the distortion also increases. With a ubiquitous transistor such as the BC547B, the gain of the transistor is roughly equal to 40 times the collector current (Ic), provided the collector current is less than a few milliamps. This value is in theory equal to the expression q/KT, where q is the charge of the electron, K is Boltzmann’s constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

For simplicity, and assuming room temperature, we round this value to 40. For a single stage amplifier circuit with grounded emitter it holds that the gain Uout /Uin (for AC voltage) is in theory equal to SRc. As we observed before, the slope S is about 40Ic. From this follows that the gain is approximately equal to 40I cRc. What does this mean? In the first instance this leads to a very practical rule of thumb: that gain of a grounded emitter circuit amounts to 40·I c·Rc, which is equal to 40 times the voltage across the collector resistor.

If Ub is, for example, equal to 12 V and the collector is set to 5V, then we know, irrespective of the values of the resistors that the gain will be about 40R(12–5) = 280. Notable is the fact that in this way the gain can be very high in theory, by selecting a high power supply voltage. Such a voltage could be obtained from an isolating transformer from the mains. An isolating transformer can be made by connecting the secondaries of two transformers together, which results in a galvanically isolated mains voltage.

Circuit diagram:

That means, that with a mains voltage of 240 Veff there will be about 340 V DC after rectification and filtering. If in the amplifier circuit the power supply voltage is now 340 V and the collector voltage is 2 V, then the gain is in theory equal to 40 x (340–2). This is more than 13,500 times! However, there are a few drawbacks in practice. This is related to the output characteristic of the transistor. In practice, it turns out that the transistor does actually have an output resistor between collector and emitter.

This output resistance exists as a transistor parameter and is called ‘hoe’. In normal designs this parameter is of no consequence because it has no noticeable effect if the collector resistor is not large. When powering the amplifier from 340 V and setting the collector current to 1 mA, the collector resistor will have a value of 338 k. Whether the ‘hoe’-parameter has any influence depends in the type of transistor. We also note that with such high gains, the base-collector capacitance in particular will start to play a role.

As a consequence the input frequency may not be too high. For a higher bandwidth we will have to use a transistor with small Cbc, such as a BF494 or perhaps even an SHF transistor such as a BFR91A. We will have to adjust the value of the base resistor to the new hfe. The author has carried out measurements with a BC547B at a power supply voltage of 30 V. A value of 2 V was chosen for the collector voltage. Measurements confirm the rule of thumb. The gain was more than 1,000 times and the effects of ‘hoe’ and the base-collector capacitance were not noticeable because of the now much smaller collector resistor.
Author: Gert Baars
Copyright: Elektor Electronics

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Portable Solar Lantern

This portable solar lantern circuit uses 6 volt/5 watt solar panels are now widely available. With the help of such a photo-voltaic panel we can construct an economical, simple but efficient and truly portable solar lantern unit. Next important component required is a high power (1watt) white LED module.

When solar panel is well exposed to sunlight, about 9 volt dc available from the panel can be used to recharge a 4.8 volt /600 mAh rated Ni-Cd batterypack. Here red LED (D2) functions as a charging process indicator with the help of resistor R1. Resistor R2 regulates the charging current flow to near 150mA.

Solar Lantern Circuit Schematic
Circuit Project: Portable Solar Lantern

Assuming a 4-5 hour sunlit day, the solar panel (150mA current set by the charge controller resistor R2) will pump about 600 – 750 mAh into the battery pack. When power switch S1 is turned on, dc supply from the Ni-Cd battery pack is extended to the white LED (D3). Resistor R3 determines the LED current. Capacitor C1 works as a buffer.

Note: After construction, slightly change the values of R1,R2 and R3 up/down by trial&error method, if necessary.

DIY Infrared Radar System

Chris from has a great article about a do-it-yourself radar system build with PIC18F452. It’s a great hobby project although the schematic is very complicated. This project uses three main devices to create the personal radar system. The IR Range sensor gives output, the pic microcontroller processes it and then displays the output on the led array.

Circuit Project: DIY Infrared Radar System
The goal of this project is to create a working ir radar system. The system will only be required to measure close proximity at an angle of 90 degrees as seen in the example above. The range of system is roughly 4-30cm, 20-150cm & 1m-5.5m depending upon which sensor you choose to use.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

SMD FM Transmitter

Let’s construct a low-power FM transmitter using surface-mount devices (SMD) that will be received with a standard FM radio. Soldering surface mounted devices is not so hard and actually is quite easy. There are many designs for small FM transmitters but they have some problems. First, you need an audio amplifier to get enough modulation. Second, the antenna is attached directly to the collector.

Third, the coil L must be wound by hand and adjusted by stretching. It all ads with a weak signal that tends to drift in frequency. In contrastm the transmitter schematic we present here eliminates some of those problems, using varactor diode for tuning and modulation, givind great sensitivity without an audio amplifier.
FM Transmitter – How it works
The figure below shows the schematic of the transmitter which consists of two stages: an oscillator and an output amplifier. Modulation is from an electret microphone but you can use a low power audio source.

Oscillator stage
Transistor Q1 is a Colpitts oscillator where the frequency is determined by the parallel resonant circuit formed by inductor L, varactor V1 and capacitors C7 and C8. Q1 is a common-collector amplifier where the power gain counts. V1 is actually a dual varactor that eliminate the possibility of forward conduction at the sinewave peaks.

The frequency of oscillation is set by adjusting the DC voltage on V1 with potentiometer R2. R4 and C3 form a low-pass filter to prevent RF from feeding back onto the DC.
Capacitors C7 and C8 form an AC voltage divider to provide feedback at the emitter of Q1 to sustain oscillation. A necessary condition for oscillation to start is for the radio (C7+C8)/C7 to be sufficiently bigger than 1.

SMD transmitter circuit schematic
Frequency Modulation
Modulation is done by superimposing an audio signal from the electret mic onto the DC bias applied to V1. R3 and C1 form a low-pass filter to prevent RF from feeding back to the mic. R3, R4 and R2 form a votage divider for the audio.

Transmitter output stage
The output of the oscillator is fed through C9 to the Q2 emitter-follower. The output of Q2 drives the antenna through C11. The Q2 emitter-follower it ensures that the oscillator is not loaded down by the impedance of the antenna and it provides power gain to drive the antenna.

SMD Transmitter layout
The figure below shows the layout of the PCB and it uses surface-mounted devices like resistors and capacitors (non-polar devices). All the caps are size 0805 and all resistors are size 1206. use through-hole components for Q1, Q2, IC1 and V1. You can use an SOT-89 device for IC1 and an SOT-23 device for V1. Use MPSH10 or a transistor equivalent. Here you can learn how to solder smd chips
The inductor
A coil would consist of two or three turns of wire but for this schematic we will use an inductor with loops of copper on the PCB. Such flat spiral inductor are common at these frequencies.
One formula for flat spiral inductors is:
flat spiral inductors formula where
L = inductance in uH
r = radius of coil (outer radius + inner radius divided by 2 ) inches
N = number of turns
d = depth of coil (outer radius minus inner radius) inches

Tuning range
While commercial FM band goes from about 88 MHz to 108 MHz, the L and C values used in this design allow tuning up to 100 MHz.

Transmitter testing
You will need a portable FM radio and an assistant. First, find an empty spot on the FM dial and set your radio about 30 feet away (9 meters). The radio’s volume control should not be set too high to prevend feedback. Next, power-up your transmitter and talk to yourself as you adjust the frequency with the trim-pot. When your assintant hears you, your transmitter is tuned. You might have to adjust the radio’s tuner slightly for best reception.

Have fun with it but remember that using the transmitter as a bugging device may not be legal in your country. To use the circuit as a wireless microphone, increase the value of R3. The transmitter range is about 100 feet (30 meters) inside a building.
Parts list

Petrol/Diesel Level Sensor

This sensor is particularly suitable for use in small spaces, such as the petrol tank of a  motorbike. It has the advantage of not having any moving parts, unlike a conventional sensor with a float and float arm that make it difficult to fit in a tank.
The sensor circuit is made from standard, inexpensive components and can be put together for little money.
Petrol/Diesel Level Sensor Circuit Diagram :
Petrol Diesel Level Sensor-Circuit Diagram
The operating principle is  based on  measuring  the forward volt-ages of two identical diodes (check this  first by measuring  them).  The forward voltage of a diode decreases with increasing junction temperature. lf a resistor is placed close to one of the two diodes, it will be heated slightly if it extends above the surface of the  petrol. For best results,the other diode (used for reference) should be located at the same level. lf the diodes are covered by the petrol in the tank, the heating resistor will not have any effect because it will be cooled by the petrol. An opamp compares the voltage across the two diodes, with a slightly smaller current passing through the reference diode. When the petrol level drops, the output of the opamp goes high and the output transistor switches on. This causes a sense resistor to be connected in parallel with the sensor output. Several sensor circuits can be used together, each with its own switched sense resistor connected in parallel with the output, and the resulting output  signal can be used to drive a meter or the like.
Using this approach, the author built a petrol tank' sensors trip' tank consisting of five PCBs, each fitted with two sensor circuits. With this sensor strip installed at an angle in the tank, a resolution of approximately 1.5 litre per sensor is possible. Many tanks have an electrical fitting near the bottom for connection to a lamp on the instrument panel that indicates the reserve level. The sensor strip can be used in its place.
You will have to experiment a bit with the values of the sense resistors, but do not use values lower than around'100 O. It is also important to fit the diodes and heater resistor in a little tube with a small opening at the bottom so that splashing petrol does not cool the heater resistor, since this would result in false readings.
The circuit should be powered from a regulated supply voltage of 5 to 6 V to prevent the heating resistors from becoming too hot. After testing everything to be sure that it works properly, it's a good idea to coat the circuit board with epoxy glue to provide better protection against the petrol.
Tip: you can use the well-known 1M3914 to build a LED display with ten LEDs, which can serve as a level indicator. Several examples of suitable circuits can be found in back issues of Elektor.
Note: this sensor circuit is not suitable for use in conductive liquids.
Author : Paul de Ruijter - Copyright: Elektor